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Mod for Forge Minecraft 1.19.2, 1.19.4 and 1.20.1, and Fabric 1.20.1. Adds 63 new lamps and 5 lamps with their own mechanics to the game. These lamps can be crafted by placing a regular lamp in the stonecutter and selecting the desired pattern, or by making them in the workbench. In addition, 18 of the 63 lamps are soul lamps and have the ability to repel pighlins. There are in addition large lamps that are 2 by 2 blocks in size. Also, one of the patterns includes flat lamps that can be 16 colors corresponding to 16 dyes. And there are advances in fashion.

However, in this video you can see a review of one of the lamps with its own mechanics, the solar lamp:

And in this one, a review of the moon lamp, another lamp with its own mechanics:

There are plans to improve the mod. Also, you, yes, you, can contribute to the development of the mod by contacting via Discord (live7688) with your ideas for new models or even mechanics for these lamps

Modification files
Lampcrafting1.0.5_forge_minecraft1.20.1.jarUploaded on: 01/15/2024 - 14:06   File size: 1.61 MB
Lampcrafting1.0.5_forge_minecraft1.19.4.jarUploaded on: 01/15/2024 - 14:06   File size: 1.62 MB
Lampcrafting1.0.5_forge_minecraft1.19.2.jarUploaded on: 01/15/2024 - 14:06   File size: 1.62 MB
Lampcrafting1.0.5_fabric_minecraft1.20.1.jarUploaded on: 01/15/2024 - 14:06   File size: 1.68 MB

Update 1.0.5:
- Added 4 patterns - "Wave," "Lake," "Hourglass," and "Spoon," along with their versions for soul lamps.
- Added 1 lamp with its own mechanic - the Communicative Lamp. Its mechanic involves transmitting signals to other communicative lamps, enabling them to turn on, but with signal transmission distance limitations. To craft it, you'll need 4 redstone lamps and 4 redstone dust.
- Added 1 achievement.
- The mod is now available on Fabric 1.20.1.
- On the Fabric version of the mod, the achievement requirement "Live a century – shine a century" has been changed from [Get a patterned lamp] to [Get a regular redstone lamp].
- Minor changes and small improvements.
- Fixed a flaw in the light reflector.
- Rectified the issue where one secret wasn't so secret. But don't be upset; here's what I'll say about it: 00101111 01010011 01010101 01010011. I hope it's clearer now if you were disappointed.
- Fixed a bug where if you placed the power source first and then the lamp, the lamp wouldn't light up.