1st 2022.2 snapshot - A feature snapshot

Published by Klemen on
1st 2022.2 snapshot - A feature snapshot

The first snapshot of feature-oriented MCreator 2022.2 is here. Adding command arguments, blockstate management procedure blocks, and much more. Read on!

Snapshot changelog

Major new features in this snapshot are highlighted with bold text.

  • Updated Blockly to 2022 Q1 Patch 2
  • Updated bundled Java to version OpenJDK 17.0.3
  • Added new Java plugins system for more advanced MCreator plugins
  • Added some new tags to the common tags tool
  • Added blockstate management procedure blocks to universally read, write and modify block states
  • Added requires correct tool option for blocks
  • Added is solid option for plants
  • Added new block triggers: projectile hits the block
  • Added new plant triggers: projectile hits the plant, entity walked on the plant
  • Added new command argument builder with Blockly editor
  • Added new command argument types: number, logic, string, literal, block position, entity, item, block state
  • Added procedure blocks to read specific command arguments
  • Added support for adding custom trades to wandering traders
  • Added custom block pitch rotation support
  • Spawn entity procedure blocks and biome selectors now only show spawnable entities
  • [Bugfix, FG 1.16.5] Mega spruce trees in custom biomes crashed the world generation
  • [Bugfix, FG 1.16.5] When custom projectile hits block procedure trigger executed twice
  • [Bugfix] Custom slots did not look the same as vanilla slots
  • [Bugfix] On GUI closed procedure was not called on non-slot custom GUIs
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

Release notes

  • [Plugins] Replaced some of the custom Blockly extensions with a new field type
  • [Plugins] Added a new template type for command arguments

Make sure to install and test this snapshot, so we can get it to a stable release as soon as possible :) Leave your feedback in the comments and stay awesome!

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i am having major issues with custom overworld-type dimensions. I made a mod for the badlands in which the caves and biomes generate properly, but even though i havent added the ocean biome into the list, large expanses of water generate and for some reason i always spawn under them. I HAVE NOT ONCE SPAWNED ON LAND!....pls help

it is.....

once i wanted to make a toxic dimension with small lakes of lava like substances. however, there were huge, 100-300 block expanses of the liguid which is put in the "main liquid" of your custom dimension (in my case, acid).

it is so annoying to make a scary dimension with so much gap in between. is there any way of making small lakes generate like in mcreator 1.17, instead of huge pits....

On twitter I read, that new entity procedure blocks are coming in the 2nd 2022.2 snapshot, so I wanted to ask you: When’ll be the 2nd 2022.2 snapshot released?

From what I read I got the impression that a lot of people with desolate coding experience(me) are really hyped about the possibility of provided built in support for recent GeckoLib versions in the next stable build. Is this something you guys are working on?

Except it requires a new model type and they are created inside an enum. It also requires some changes in some other classes, so MCreator needs to provide basic features for external plugins adding support to GeckoLib.

did you add a way to make wood blocks with harvest levels mineable by hand?

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