Two ideas about block's inventory(autocrafting and pipes)

Issue description

Hi. I have two practical ideas about block's inventory.

First is procedure block:
Send_Item_To_Adjacent_Block(SLOT, DIRECTION, DROP)

This procedure will send item from slot number("SLOT" paramert) of current block to adjacent block if that block has a inventory, and "DIRECTION" paramert point to that block.
"DIRECTION" paramert has be:
0 - Direction of current block that has be placed.
3 - LEFT
5 - UP
6 - DOWN

"DROP" paramer determines what procedure should do with item, if there isn't adjacent block or current block does't point on it with "DIRECTION" paramer. And this "DROP" is:
0 - hold item in source inventory
1 - drop item into world, like dropper.

This can be usefull to make a item pipes.

A second idea is procedure block:
Craft_Item(SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, ..., SLOT8, SLOT9)

This procedure has ten parametrs, that nine of them(from SLOT0 to SLOT8) determines slot for ingredients and SLOT9 determines slot for product. Trigered procedure will TRY to craft item from items in firts nine slots(if items are properly arranged, like in ordinal crafting table), and place it in tenth slot(if is empty). Firs nine slots can serve as output slots too, for example if crafting item is cake.

This procedure make possible to create special crafting table, that automatically craft items on redstone signal, and unlike ordinal crafting table, items in slots doesn't drop itself if player leave GUI.

Issue comments

  • Send_Item_To_Adjacent_Block(SLOT, DIRECTION, DROP)

This one can be implemented by hand already, but we might consider making a dedicated procedure for this in the future.

  • Craft_Item(SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, ..., SLOT8, SLOT9)

There is already a template for this in the procedure templates