My mod will not run on my Minecraft client please help

Published by wadihw on
Issue description

My mod will not run on my Minecraft client. forge says it's there but none of the stuff is actually in-game my mod will loud in Mcreator everything is there help me

My mod is bloodcraft 5

Issue comments

PATCH UPDATE 23. 9. 2019, 18:45 CEST

There were some bugs found in MCreator 1.9.1 so we decided to release a patch update. If you are having one of the following bugs and downloaded MCreator before the time of the patch, consider reinstalling version 1.9.1:

  • [Bugfix #53239] Mods did not contain any mod elements if they were located in a path or had a name containing any special character or whitespace
  • [Bugfix] Custom blocks and items had logWood selected for ore dictionary by default
  • Added ore dictionary to plants
  • Added option to disable harvest level specification for blocks

To apply the patch (fix these bugs), uninstall MCreator 1.9.1, download it again and install it again. After reinstalling it, make sure to regenerate code in all the workspaces you already opened with MCreator 1.9.1 by clicking Build & run -> Regenerate code and build.