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Posted by: boomtererato
File description: Alpha 2.1
File size: 333.56 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 474
Mod changelog:

  • test build

It's first version. Not very stable and has small amount content

  • Alpha 1

Added - Moss blocks and bricks

Added - Watering can, special tool that speeds up growing

Added - Diamon pitchfork

Added - Crimson and warped rolls, they are only available with netherite pitchfork

Added - Netherite pitchfork

Added - Black soil, block that will randomly apply bonemeal to plants growing on it.

Changed - version is now 1.16.4

Changed - Rolls are not stackable

Changed - Pocket Cutter now can destroy more objects

Changed - Mossy skeleton behavior

Changed - Pitchfork won't turn coarse dirt into normal

  • Alpha 1.1 

Fixed - item names

  • Alpha 2  

Added - Sickles, tool that cleans + area from grass in one click

Added - New plant: Lunar Flower

          it's special flower that will infict levitation on collide. You also can right click to get some glowstone

Added - Wet Dirt, will break and inflict slowness on collide. It also has tight version and strong version

Added - Polished Moss Block

Changed - Nether Rolls now have better texture

Changed - How Watering Can works

Changed - Nether Pitchfork is more useful

Fixed - Pitchforks couldn't take damage when creating roll

Fixed - Other bugs i didn't remember

Removed - Mossy skeleton. Idk why. Just removed him

  • Alpha 2.1

Added - Horizontal Moss Bricks

Added - Small Moss Bricks

Added - Big Moss Bricks

Changed - Lunar Flower now can grow on Tight and Strong Wet Dirt

Changed - Advancement is now more funny

Fixed - some textures now look better

  • Beta 1

Added - Swampy Flower

Added - Lunar Stone (w.i.p)

Changed - moss textures are so good now, i can't even change them anymore

Changed - Updated to 1.16.5

Changed - Tight Wet Dirt texture

Changed - mod version is now beta

Changed - some minor changes to some textures

Changed - moss behaviour

Fixed - idk

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