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Posted by: Pexuls
File description: CELC - 1.07 UPDATE
File size: 221 bytes
Total download count (all mod files): 176
Mod changelog:

1.07 Update Changelogs:

Mod renamed from Celestial World to Celestial Centauri.
Removed Vortex Slayer (still in /summon, but spawn egg removed.)
Added Vortex Ruins (structures to the vortex dimension that are remains.)
Added Vorlda Paper (contains info on all vortex entities + lore.) also has an advancement for getting it.
Added Meteor Grass
Added Breaking Point, Damage Indicator and Charged enchantments.
Added /durability command.
Made Big Starry Flora into one entity instead of being two seperate entities. (still buggy, will fix in next update.)
Added Vortex Ferns
Added Vortex Iris, Vortex Hibiscus and Vortex Petunias.
Added Vortex Miners (still wip.)
Added Vortex Bombers
Added Vortex Bombs (throwable projectiles.)
Changed the trees in the Vortex Dimension to be custom made. (custom structures.)
Added abilities to the Vortex toolset + armorset.
Added Vortex Traders (trade items)
Added Vortex Builders (still wip.)
Added Vortex Hammer
Added Broken Traders, Builders, Bombers, and Miner blocks.
Added Vortex Ore and Vortex Raw Ore (melted into scraps.)
Added Vortex Immune potion effect: negates vortex pull effects.
Added Vortex Fruits and Vortex Fruit Bushes. (still wip.)
Added Miniorites (hostile meteor entity)
Added Fungal Stems, Caps, Blocks, and Lanterns.
Added Meteor Weeds, Planks, Logs, Leaves. (credits to fred on discord for meteor textures.)
Added Fungal Toolset and Ingot .
Added Funguy (fungi) a passive entity in the future fungal dimension.
Added Cracked Vortex Bricks.
Fixed some bugs with the Vortex Warrior Broken block with the textures being bugged out.
Added new tags for items
Added the Meteor Star and Meteor Dimension.
Fixed some vortex bugs. (the pulling procedure is still wip and very buggy, sorry)
Retextured Vortex Grass, Dirt, Trees, Leaves, Tools, etc.)
Celestial Elytra temporarily out of use. (trying to make a permanent model for it.)
Added the Vampiric Crown Relic.
Removed the Vortex Crown advancement bug.
(sorry for the very delayed update!)

other download link:

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