[TUTORIAL] How to add custom Create Mod Recipes

Started by Ethan07 on

Topic category: User side tutorials

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[TUTORIAL] How to add custom Create Mod Recipes
Sun, 02/12/2023 - 16:30 (edited)

I spent a while figuring this out myself and figured it would be nice to share what i did and how i did it

The create mod uses .json recipes so adding custom create mod recipes are easier than it sounds.

Step 1:

find and copy a pre exising recipe from the create mod's github page, make sure its the type of recipe you want (eg milling, mixng, pressing, ect)



Step 2:

Create a recipe in mcreator, (make it anything as it really doesn't matter) and then lock the recipe element


Step 3:

Enter the code of the locked recipe and remove everything inside it; after that you can place the recipe you copied from step 1.

like so:



Step 4:

Replace the item IDs of the inputs and outputs to whatever you need (eg modname:custom_element, or minecraft:itemname)

Like so:



After all of that, the recipe should work fine! I hope this helps people trying to make some Create Addons or people trying to add some compatability to their mods as i did.

Other notes:

  • you can make the recipe require tags by replacing the "item": snippet into "tag":
  • some recipes such as milling have an extra line of code like "processingTime": This is measured in ticks and is how long the milling will take
  • Milling recipes also work with crushing wheels and there is no way to make a recipe exclusive to the crushing wheel (as far as im aware)
  • If making a recipe that results in multiple of the final result (eg mixing one dirt block makes 2 diamonds), make sure to copy a recipe that has a similar layout.
  • shaped crafting is easier to understand than it may look

You do not need to copy from the github page, but i find it much easier than attempting to memorise every .json layout

Edited by Ethan07 on Sun, 02/12/2023 - 16:30
Last seen on 12:19, 14. Jun 2024
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thank. you. so. much!
Thu, 11/23/2023 - 19:32

thank. you. so. much!

Last seen on 09:22, 5. May 2024
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ik im kinda late but does…
Tue, 04/30/2024 - 13:28

ik im kinda late but does anyone know ab a vid explaining this? 
i also wanted to know how to use this with already existing items. for example making cobble in a mixer bcuz cobblefarms are laggy.

Last seen on 00:02, 15. Jun 2024
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Unfortunately I don't have…
Sat, 06/15/2024 - 00:02

Unfortunately I don't have the other details this tutorial doesn't explain. Such as what do you mean by Locking a recipe, how is this done? When a recipe is ready in a json file, where does the json file go? Can multiple recopies be added to the same json file or are there more files for each recipe? Any more help would be appreciated.