(BIG UPDATE) Pehkui Scaling & Attribute Procedures [NeoForge 1.20.4, Forge 1.20.1]

Published by MinoBanana on
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Upvotes: 12
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About the plugin

A Plugin For Resizing & Editing Your Mobs 


Supports Versions: 1.20.1, 1.20.4


Ever wanted to resize your mobs? Change their step-height? Well with Pehkui Scaling & Attribute Procedures you can!



Begin by enabling Pehkui by navigating to the top right --> click workspace settings --> external API's

enable pehkui


--Editable Attributes--

You can currently edit the following attributes for mobs

Attributes LIst


--Procedure Overview--

To alter a specific mobs attribute, use the Event/Target Entity version of the scale block

Event Target Entity Attribute Editing



To alter the attributes of all entities of a given type (must be already spawned and rendered) use the following block

Apply to all entities


--Reset Attribute--

To reset an attribute of a mob, use the reset block and select your mob / use an Event Target.

Reset procedure blocks


--Randomize Attribute--

You can randomize attributes using the following procedure block, selecting the operation, entity type, and attribute type. Ensure you define a proper max and min value.

Attribute randomization




Change Log Version 1.0.1:

  • Switched from Having to Type Out the ModID and EntityID to Being Able to Select It Instead (THIS VERSION HAS A FEW BUGS IN IT)


Change Log Version 1.0.2:

  • Fixed Bugs With Certain Entities Not Scaling
  • Added Ability to Target Specific Instances of Entities
  • Changed Color of Scaling Blocks


Change Log Version 1.0.3:

  • 2024.1 Support


Change Log Version 1.0.4:

  • Added the following new attributes: attack, attack_speed, block_reach, defense, entity_reach, health, jump_height, knockback, model_height, model_width, hitbox_height, hitbox_width, step_height, view_bobbing
  • Added new multiply, divide, subtract, set, randomize, and reset blocks
  • Added support for Neoforge 1.20.4


Coming Soon

  1. Fabric Support and 1.19.4 support
All Rights Reserved

Plugin downloads
(2023.4) Pehkui Scaler by MinoBanana - Pehkui_Scaler.zipUploaded on: 01/27/2024 - 04:01   File size: 4.84 KB
(2023.4) UPDATED VERSION 1.0.1 - Pehkui_Scaler.zipUploaded on: 02/02/2024 - 17:25   File size: 5.05 KB
(2023.4) UPDATED VERSION 1.0.2 - Many Bug Fixes + Target Specific Entities - Pehkui_Scaler_0.zipUploaded on: 02/05/2024 - 00:39   File size: 8.3 KB
(2024.1) - UPDATED VERSION 1.0.3 - Added Support for Mcreator 2024.1 - pehkui_1.0.3.zipUploaded on: 04/14/2024 - 13:18   File size: 8.35 KB
(2024.1) - UPDATED VERSION 1.0.4 - Added Support for Neoforge 2024.1 and New Attributes - pehkui_1.0.4.zipUploaded on: 05/29/2024 - 10:21   File size: 28.83 KB


I have a bug that prevents the mode from working. Here's what it says: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b7xPhCNdzZeEUI4MmkQdV7gVQm9KU_qJmxc2YBw64nc/edit?usp=sharing

I'm working on some updates to address the issue and add a lot of new content, unfortunately my pc is currently broken so until then please use the alternative pehkui plugin

How do I make it reset, for example I'm using "add 1 REACH to event/target entity" and I want it only applied while the sword is being held, how do I make it, so it resets after being unequipped?

If you respond to this! Thank you :)

hey is there a way to just set the width or height instead of adding to it?

I'm assuming not, but it's worth a try; do you think it's possible to add the ability to scale the Player themselves? I understand if not.

Is it possible to reduce the scale of the current entity? There's a block to increase the scale of the current entity, but not one to decrease it(only one to decrease the scale of all entities).