Fabric Generator [1.20.1]

Published by Goldorion on
Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
API support
MCreator Fabric Generator
Upvotes: 931
About the plugin

This plugin adds a new Fabric Generator to your MCreator.



No update will be made until the end of May due to a personal reason.



Important Information

  • Supported Global triggers

  • All procedure blocks (and global triggers) are marked as supported, but several of them will fail to build. THIS IS NORMAL. Do not report them.
  • Mods will also require Fabric API to function properly, so when you want to play your mod, make sure you have Fabric API.
  • Some features are disabled because they are Forge-related features, so I can not support them.



  • This generator re-uses a lot of the code used by the official Forge generators.
  • Supporters on Ko-fi 💚❤️


  • Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0  
  •  Mods created with this tool may be closed-source and/or distributed with a different license.
  • Appropriate credit must be provided to the creators and maintainers of this software.
  • Forked versions of this software must be distributed under the same license as this with attribution if distributed.
  • Changes must be stated if any modified works are to be distributed.
  • Under no circumstances can you state that the original creator endorses modified works.


To see a complete changelog of the plugin, check this file.

Last versions:


(Thank you NerdyPuzzle)
* [#520] Removed support for TerraBlender API (biome generation is now done similarly to Forge generators)
* [#417, #520] Add support for cave biomes
* [#521, #520] Custom items caused a build error in several cases
Project members
Lead developer
GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (LGPLv3)

Plugin downloads
Fabric Generator 1.20.1 - 1.10 - generator-fabric-1.20.1_2.zipUploaded on: 03/25/2024 - 02:12   File size: 349.25 KB


on what version of the mcoretor this fabric generator operates?

I was trying to code a mod, but when I exported it, nothing worked (I had a recipe that connected to a block, and a new item, and I could not access any of it). Does anyone know why this would happen?

How do I upgrade my mod from 1.19.2 fabric to 1.20.1 as it just says that the terrablender and portinglib APIs are missing.

do they plan to add global variables/ player specific variables?

Please tell me, did someone have error || Error: Could not find or load main class worker.org.gradle.process.internal.worker.GradleWorkerMain
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: worker.org.gradle.process.internal.worker.GradleWorkerMain
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':genSourcesWithCfr'.
> There was a failure while executing work items
> A failure occurred while executing net.fabricmc.loom.task.GenerateSourcesTask$DecompileAction
> Failed to run Gradle Worker Daemon
> Process 'Gradle Worker Daemon 1' finished with non-zero exit value 1
* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.
> Get more help at https://help.gradle.org.
2 actionable tasks: 2 executed

Task completed in 14 seconds

Hello, I was wondering if there was any plan to support the use of NBT tags, or if not, if anyone had any suggestions for alternative ways to store data in a player entity. I appreciate the work you have put into this plugin Goldorion and I hope exams fare well for you :thumbsup:

They use a Forge feature, so i need to find a way with Fabric to incorporate them. However, NBT tags were replaced by components in 1.20.5, so they might simply be deleted in the future depending on what we decide to do with them.
(Btw, my exams are done for some time now. I'm just on a travel for a class :))