Set entity rotation procedure block

Issue description

Two Ideas:


1 .  This would be a good idea, I wanted to have a procedure block that could rotate entity by degrees. So that we can have boomerangs and you can make entity's that act like blocks easier.

For Example, I saw a thread on MCF about creating a boomerang,

Attach 2 extra tags to the entity. 1 for starting/ending location, and the other for the center of the circular path it will take. Making it spin is easy enough, every tick it will change it's angle by 30 degrees. The momentum would follow a path around the center point until it either hits a living creature, dealing a small amount of damage, hitting a block, and stopping until collided with by a player to pick it up, or when getting back to its starting point, dropping as an item. While using the item (right clicking with it in hand), it would look like a bow, determining the radius of the circle it would travel on.

2 .  But I Have A Queastion, I believe that the SetEntityRotation is for It's self Rotation, how do I also let the entity Come back it self after a certain time or bounce off blocks? Maybe Changing the Direction??? How Would i also make it Come Back?

A Quite Idea Came To My Mind As I Think The Follwing Sketch I Made May Help You Guys Decide

Issue comments

Making boomerang is currently out of the scope of MCreator and even for coding, I don't have a good idea where to start.

I will consider adding setting rotation procedure block, but the whole boomerang this is too much for now ;)

Wait I have an idea, if you add that setrotation procedure, I could make the boomerang entity AI only to fly around, and each tick make the entity tag 1 higher, when it reaches a certain amount, it will rotate and come back and despawn itself and plop item. However I think the self-rotation would be too hard to do as I think it requires lots of teleporting as if it’s self rotating it cannot go the right way, and I think going curly lines is possible by doing setEntityRotation, right?