runClient not working

Issue description

> Task :processResources FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':processResources'.
> Could not copy file 'C:\Users\me\Downloads\Minecraft Everything\BruteForceMod\src\main\resources\assets\brute_force_mod\textures\models\armor\Thumbs.db' to 'C:\Users\me\Downloads\Minecraft Everything\BruteForceMod\build\resources\main\assets\brute_force_mod\textures\models\armor\Thumbs.db'.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 5.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.
2 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 1 up-to-date

Ive tried deleting the cache and the gradle folder and found the only way to get runClient to work is by deleting the armor folder immediately after hitting runClient. Ive tried everything regarding the armor textures, renaming them, removing them, and I found I must delete the whole folder to successfully execute runClient. The Thumbs.db folder is not actually there, I tried revealing hidden files and even searching the Thumbs.db file directly for deletion but I have been unsuccessful because the file that its saying it cant copy simply doesnt exist however when I try to put a folder in with the same name it says there is already a file with that name. But anyway, this means I cant test my mod with armor textures included which is very annoying. Please help me, someone........

Issue comments

Probably MCreator can't copy it for the same reason. Your OS reports it is here but is not. This is not a MCreator problem. Try to remove this file somehow, MCreator does not make such files.

I can't remove it, when I search it my computer doesn't give me results for that file. However, it does say that a Thumbs.db file exists in the fallowing:




Why does it say it's in the armor file? Should I just try reinstalling MCreator at this point?

This is in fact not MCreator problem, but the problem of this file being there, but somehow not accessible. This is Gradle trying to copy it, not MCreator so reinstall probably won't help.

Try making a new workspace.

Thank you so much, I've created a new work space and began rebuilding my project and runClient works just fine. Idk how the Thumbs.db file got there if MCreator doesn't make it, I didn't know this type of file existed till now so obviously I did not intentionally move it but I must've put it in by accident somehow while working with armor textures. I'm still skeptical about this issue though, I took every step to revealing this file and have not been able to, leading me to believe this was infact an MCreator problem. But as you said, if MCreator doesn't make these files ultimately I must've put it in somehow, it's still concerning though because it makes me wonder if I'm gonna have problems with these mystery files in the future. I've taken steps to prevent the future creation of Thumbs.db files on my laptop but if this is a problem again in the future I'll give an update. Anyway, thank you for helping me resolve this.