Well although you don't necessarily need a lot of java knowledge to do something like this. I suggest maybe waiting for MCreator to make this possible. It may be possible idk.
Create a procedure On entity Attack If source entity is subtype of player and Has scythe on main hand just get x y and z of event entity and source entity, using math distancr formula of distance=>2 deal the weapon damage+bonus damage
Is there a procedure block that allows you to get the between two entities?
If you know how to code I'll leave you with this😘;
In code, it should look similar to this;
^^^^ Add a check for distance!😊
You can do this all in any applicable event. i.e.
once again, too difficult, but i will try to understand
Well although you don't necessarily need a lot of java knowledge to do something like this. I suggest maybe waiting for MCreator to make this possible. It may be possible idk.
Oki-doki, i will try that later.
but if it wont work, try to do with procedures and then if once again nothing will happen, i will wait.
Create a procedure On entity Attack If source entity is subtype of player and Has scythe on main hand just get x y and z of event entity and source entity, using math distancr formula of distance=>2 deal the weapon damage+bonus damage