Topic category: User side tutorials
So I've seen a few posts asking how to do fortune on custom ores, and I, myself was even asking a few days ago, but I figured it out and I figured I would make a sort of "mini-tutorial" on how to do it. So here we go.
First, after you've got your custom ore block, and the item that it drops, made go into your block file and go to the procedures tab.
Once there click on the new procedure button under the "When block destroyed by player" option.
After you've got your new procedure open, you may want to add the option for the ore to drop xp, as I have done here, but after that you just want to basically recreate this:
You can change the drop percentages by adjusting the number on the right side, found here:
This for example would be a 38% drop chance. You could change it to 0.1 for 10% or 0.25 for 25%, etc.
It turns out it wasn't too difficult to make fortune work, just a little tedious.
Hopefully this helps some of you! :)
Just recreated it myself, here ya go. :)
Go to the editor where you get the options for the coding blocks and then hit "Import procedure" at the top right, and then choose the .ptpl file, and it should plop the whole thing in for you (make sure to connect the Event Trigger to the rest of it all though).
Just FYI, after doing some learning and testing, this procedure overrides the default behavior of the block drop. Basically meaning that no matter what tool you use to break the block (even using your hand), will call this procedure and drop items. There is no good way to do fortune yet in MCreator. Your best bet would be to just create your own loot table JSON files for each block.