Custom Armors Arms Bug!!

Published by MrScautHD on
Issue description

Pls fix this!!

I have a Custom armor and this have many ERRORS 1. Arm is false and the right arm is not supported 2.left arm is to small and in my model is not a small arm how can i fix this or pls fix Mcreator! you can see more on the sreenshots!

Issue comments

When possible, attach your MCreator workspace (preferably a minimal example workspace required to reproduce the bug; use File -> Export workspace to a shareable ZIP...), game or build logs (full logs, do not crop them, in text format, screenshots of logs are not acceptable) from the Console tab or terminal and steps to reproduce the bug in your workspace. If logs are long, use service such as Pastebin to host the log and provide the link to the log from the ticket. Please specify which mod elements to check in your workspace too, if applicable.

Png screenshot of the armor setup is not your workspace in shareable ZIP format.

This is NOT a workspace in a shareable ZIP format. Do what I am asking you or you are on your own, I need your cooperation for this to work out.

This file is almost 1 GB big. Make a minimal workspace demonstrating your bug and export it using File -> Export to shareable ZIP

Make a minimal workspace demonstrating your bug and export it using File -> Export to shareable ZIP

Such worskspace can not be no larger than few MB.