Topic category: Advanced modding
Returning to MCreator after a year or so and getting used to some changes, but need some more advanced help: I'm trying to bring in the Serene Seasons API.
I've done it before in older versions by adding:
dependencies {
compile 'serene-seasons:SereneSeasons-1.15.2:'
to build.gradle.
Great, ran a successful build.
Then I go to run the game (with SereneSeasons- in the mods folder of the run folder in the workspace) and the game loads almost all the way through, then a screen tells me: [ss] has failed to load correctly field_180291_a. Gives me an option for latest log or to open the mods folder. At first, I thought this was an incompat forge version. So I loaded up MultiMC with a fresh install of MC and 31.2.0 and with the same SS mod jar it ran no problem. Any ideas on what I could be missing here?
(I should note that without using the dependency line in build.gradle this same thing happens in the workspace run, all with this mod alone, in combination with other mods and with other mods alone.)
Thanks to anyone who can help!
My current guess is that mcreator has prevented the access transformers Serene Seasons has from being applied. I don't know how to fix this though, so anyone with a better understanding of what might be causing that will have to weigh in before I think I'll be able to find a fix.
Mod was not made for the Forge version used
Thanks for responding.
How might I be able to upgrade the workspace's forge version? A plugin with a generator for the new forge?
Yes, or modifiy the current one, just don't redistribute the modified version to not violate current EULA
But things might break, as generator was made and tested for the version it uses
Unfortunately, it didn't work:
I changed the forge version in the build.gradle to the latest (31.2.36), made sure forge version checking was disabled and ran the game from the workspace with no mods in the run/mods folder.
I verified on the home screen that it'd loaded the new version, quit the game, added the mods to the workspace/run/mods folder and ran again, with the repository added to the build.gradle.
Same error as above with access transformer issue.
I produced normal functionality with the same version of the Serene Seasons mod on a normal boot of the game via MultiMC with the same versions of MC and Forge (both 31.2.0 and 31.2.36.)
I appear to have fixed the issue:
Instead of using this line of code under dependency in build.gralde:
compile 'serene-seasons:SereneSeasons-1.15.2:'
I put
runtimeOnly fg.deobf("serene-seasons:SereneSeasons-1.15.2:")
compileOnly fg.deobf("serene-seasons:SereneSeasons-1.15.2:")
Ran fine. Not sure how the details worked, but I appear to be up and running with this particular API. At least so far...