Making a boat

Started by Finmide on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

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Making a boat

Is there a way to make boats. because my mod has new wood types that will be included into it besides other things. So I was just wondering how I would go about doing this.

Joined Jun 2020

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Boats in Minecraft are a…
Tue, 09/08/2020 - 23:52

Boats in Minecraft are a type of mob, so if you were to import the mob model into the game and make it a mountable, floating, water mob, then I believe it should work. The only change will be that it lacks any of the built in animations, as MCreator currently doesn't support those.

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But soon animations will be…
Wed, 09/09/2020 - 00:44

But soon animations will be possible

Joined Dec 2017

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For anyone still curious,…
Sat, 01/18/2025 - 18:13

For anyone still curious, there are 3 ways to do this, the third option being much more complicated than the rest.

  1. Watch and use the video in Klemen's reply, this is a viable option if your goal is to turn structures into boat or make your own custom designed boats, however, does not really answer the big question well.
  2. Using Block Bench, recreate the Minecraft boat yourself or, if you know how, import the model into block bench and create textures as needed for your various wood types
    1. If you design the boat model yourself, you wont need any plugins or addons to block bench OR MCreator to implement it unless you are using older versions of MCreator
    2. If you wish to import the model from Minecraft into Block Bench, you will need the CEM Model Importer plugin and the EMF Animations plugin for Block Bench. This is the easiest and most effective way, however, be aware that claiming these models as yours is against EULA, so be cautious with how you go about doing this.
  3. This is the most complicated option; Learn how to code it yourself through Java and JSON.
    1. This requires extensive understanding of Minecraft's structure and how to import the boat model from Minecraft in a Java Class file
    2. This requires both Java and JSON Knowledge so if you do not know Java/JSON, then Options 1 and 2 are your best bet
    3. I will NOT be giving a tutorial or sharing/giving the easy out by sharing the Java/JSON code/functions needed for this. If you wish to be an effective modder, you should learn this on your own.