Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator
(P.S. - Im almost sure someone has requested this in the past since ive seen numerous people wonder why this feature isnt existant, but i checked the requests up to a couple months ago and it wasnt requested, so im going to post this in hopes that it gets seriously considered)
First off, models and textures for mobs are limited to only one texture, this is also true for models that work as blocks and such.
Many people have either requested for you to be able to add multiple textures to models/blocks, or found workarounds with things such as custom code and duplicating entities. However, mcreator is a software that one of its goals is to make modding more accesable to those who are less skilled in coding, and i think it could be a good addition since the last mcreator update is upon us. This is going to be my only feature request, but please think about adding it since it doesnt seem like too big of a stretch, with minecraft already having all the capabilities to do it with models (unsure of blockmodels, however)
Adding onto this, you dont have to change anything about how you make mobs, just perhaps a "change texture" option in the procedures list? It would be really simple but really helpful
Yeah, I've wanted this for a while now. You should be able to change the texture so that you can make animated skins, or something even as simple as a ghast shooting fireball animation.
an idea i had for a while for this to be implemented could be a procedure that is:
"Change texture to X for X ticks"
again, it would make so many things way easier
Bump! And agreed
I'm bumping the thread since this is important for modders.
With this capability, we will be able to give entities random models when they spawn, or change a block's visual state without creating a new block.
However, implementing this may be difficult, mostly for the UI for it.