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Topic category: Advanced modding
I am making that when the player clicks the button send a message to the chat but the games crashes
here is the function
@SubscribeEvent public static void playerTick(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent event) { if (RegistryHandler.keys[0].isPressed() && RegistryHandler.keysStates[0] == false) {"NINJA CARD"); ((ServerPlayerEntity)event.player).func_241151_a_(new TranslationTextComponent("NinjaCard"), ChatType.CHAT, Util.field_240973_b_); RegistryHandler.keysStates[0] = true; } else if(RegistryHandler.keys[0].isPressed()) { RegistryHandler.keysStates[0] = false; } }
Edited by RodizzGamer on Tue, 11/24/2020 - 08:57
This seems like custom code. Learn how to code if you want to use custom code.
What i do to not crash the game