go to plugins page, find one u want, click on it, then go to downloads section and click on the download then go to manage plugins in mcreator and put the plugin in, restart mcreator and use :)
He also said there might be a 2020.6 that would only add 1.16.4 support. The only thing is that he's not 100% sure that he will make a 2020.6. And if he doesn't, then MCToolkit, some successor of MCreator, will do it for its first version.
plugins or 2020.6
how can i use plugins?
*how do i use plugins
go to plugins page, find one u want, click on it, then go to downloads section and click on the download then go to manage plugins in mcreator and put the plugin in, restart mcreator and use :)
is there a plugin for java forge 1.16 mods so I can change my 1.15 forge mods to 1.16?
is there a forge java plugin for minecraft 1.16?
not yet but a user called mcmodded1.14 is making one (nearly done)
ok thanks
yep. im almost done mine.
good thanks for making it
Why are you doing a plugin for 1.16.4? If there's a 2020.6 version of MCreator, Klemen will add support for Forge 1.16.4...
klemen said that 2020.5 was going to be the last version as he said in the report "all things come to an end"
He also said there might be a 2020.6 that would only add 1.16.4 support. The only thing is that he's not 100% sure that he will make a 2020.6. And if he doesn't, then MCToolkit, some successor of MCreator, will do it for its first version.
he said might meaning there is still a possibility he is not going to do it.