Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator
Exenple mod list
flan's mod, modern warfare, mc'heli, applied energistics, mo'creatur,
rftools, open block, etc ...
For mcreator 2020.6 it would need an ultra complete version i.e. with for the first time the possibility of creating 3D moddels (for entity, armor, block), to be able to edit the armors in 3D and as in novaskin, and to have the possibility of creating animations for the entities as well as of predetermined if the GUIs are structures, blocks, entities or commands, of being able to distinctly create vehicles (type planes, helicopter, tanks, car, truck) and firearms.
As well as being able to create resources pack and perhaps a plugin that allows you to create shaders
For 3D models, pyramid, square, triangle type mini-blocks would be needed, etc.
thank you for yours understanding I hope you will read my comment and add my ideas it would be nice
Few things to address.
1. You can import custom models already. If you make a model using Blockbench, for example. You can import it to MCreator. It would be pretty hard for MCreator to have its own model maker as well.
2.Being able to make vehicles really shouldnt be a preset thing. Its not like that sorta thing is a common thing people want to make, especially considering there is no examples of those in vanilla minecraft. Same with firearms. With the right tools, you can already make them, but as a preset thing I dont think it makes sense.
3. I think 2020.5 was supposed to be the last MCreator update. Could be wrong on that one though.
there should be a Dive AI Que as when I make a swimming mob and give it the swim randomly ai queue it still floats to the surface
These definately should be taken account of but still it is a cool idea + i have trouble with armor and firearms and things like that. :(
First off, 2020.6 is gonna be the last update, and all it will do is bugfixes and 1.16 updating. Second of all, all of these are already possible, and easy.
MCreator EAP 2020.6 b52319 | MCreator › Download