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Topic category: Collaborations and mod teams
I'm looking for an artist for a team (I want the textures to be similar to the vanilla ones) to help create and improve armor and weapon textures in my Villargers And Monsters Mod.Also Some textures of blocks and plants.
I don't think you're going to find someone that's going to do textures for free that look good. Sorry.
if you want i can help :-D
Ok give you a discord? Masiha 128
i can try helping, my discord: Pedroca#7729
I'd help myself, but I unfortunately have limited methods of communication...
ok my discord is adacho11
Fanel Lore, I could write via minecraft planet or discord, for example
I think I can help you. My discord is zach ig#1166
I can't wait to work with you(that's if I get the job xD)
Sevenberry does a good job
Hey your name is written on discord together? I apologize to people in general, I check this ad once every few days