Started by
a guy called l…
Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I know that healt boost gives 4 hearts per level, but I want to be more exact, to increase life by 3 hearts it has to be -0.25 (remember that the effects are given +1), 2 hearts would be -0.5 and a heart would be -0.75 ?
i would make a new varible "bonus health" then on trigger entity damage if the entity is a player reduct 1-4 from "bonus health" then heal player (cant remember if theres heal entyu block, if not do instant health.) that much health.
next you must make it so when eat food if health = 10 heal x (you will substitue x for bonus health max) and give hunger for x time.
finally do a new procedure "if bonus health > max health set to max health.
hope that works :)
oh and if you want it on the screen make a overlay: