Some GUI Creation Feature Ideas + Keybind Procedure Blocks

Started by FireTamer81 on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

Active 3 years ago
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Some GUI Creation Feature Ideas + Keybind Procedure Blocks

1.     GUI Texture manipulation through procedures. Basically, just procedures to manipulate the GUI's texture such as "mouse hovers over a button," "only these items are allowed in this slot," "change the color of some element when there is no power," etc.

2.     Some more GUI elements such as what is in the "Enchanting Plus" mod. (

3.     I have only messed around with this element a small amount, but I was attempting to make a "mode" where the original keybind element activated a procedure that changes the action of existing keybinds and found no procedures for such a thing.



I don't know how many of these are feasible to code since I have very little experience in that area, just some ideas. Cheers mate! :)


Active 3 years ago
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Some procedure blocks for…
Wed, 03/10/2021 - 16:11

Some procedure blocks for use in more complex GUIs such as "press this button, open this GUI", "check for this item in this slot, if there = true", and etc. to allow one or two much larger procedures rather than a procedure for each and every button would be pretty useful as well.