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Topic category: Minecraft mod ideas exchange
I've seen way too much enderite mods it becomes lazy at this point. It's like the new ruby. Anyone agrees?
Topic category: Minecraft mod ideas exchange
I've seen way too much enderite mods it becomes lazy at this point. It's like the new ruby. Anyone agrees?
I know right, it's starting to become a modding norm. like, they can at least come up with a more original name for it. one can also find synonyms to the word "end" and apply it to the mineral name instead of just going with... well, "end", that would be a nice touch to the mineral name. add a unique way to obtain it, and make it balanced (you can remember this for balancing stuff: sometimes, no good thing comes without a cost). putting effort in something and not just copying another lazy idea will make your mod go far... or if not that way, then probably by making different approaches in your ruby/enderite/insert-generic-material-here mod you can at least make something unique out of a generic idea instead of finding a way to make other people think that you're uncreative through following along a generic theme (no offense meant, just a scenario). for those who still want to make ruby/enderite/emerald/etc. mods, you gotta give players a good reason to be interested in it, something to make them want or need to find it; it could have an added specialty/benefit to having it in the long-term! and let's hope either this enderite trend will at least tone down, or that creative mods that offer more uses for the mineral can emerge.
thanks for coming to my TED talk X)
My idea for an end ore is Onyx - it would generate in Obsidian Geodes that will generate in the end crystal towers, though idk if it can work or not. The set would be equivalent to netherite without knockback resistance and lower durability. But you will be completly immune to dragon breath attacks and 50% less ender damage taken (endermen and endermites are weaker, if that's even possible).
The texture of the gem would be like diamond, but more round and with white lines on very dark shiny black, like onyx is in real life. The set would be crafted like any other set, because smithing table is also overused, for some reason. Oh wait, I know the reason - it's cool! And new, so people want to use it.
The point of onyx would be if you're going to the end you should equip Onyx. If you're going anywhere else just wear Netherite. I like things that are unique, Mojang does too. So let's keep it that way. Atleast let's try lol. Feel free to make it into a mod if you want to!
oh yeah, thats definitely cooler than "enderite"!
has anyone noticed that enderite is just a lazy spinoff of netherite?
it is, everyone noticed
With the generation of the geodes in the obby towers, you might have to make a new dimension called the end and make a custom portal because the obby towers regenerate themselves when the dragon is respawned and doing so would allow custom structures in the towers. I do like the idea btw! :)
I am aware, but maybe you can do something to prevent this. Or make smaller end crystal towers generate in the end with the geodes in them and they are their own structure so they won't regenerate.
I feel slightly attacked by this as I made the, I believe, most recent Enderite mod.
Not everything needs to be original, I only chose to call it that way to respect Mojang's naming convention, the nether ore is called Netherite, so I assume a the end ore would be called Enderite.
People are free to make whatever mods they want, if what they are announcing is what the mod truly offers, then there's nothing wrong with it, same thing if I wanted to make a mod about Copper, Tin, Silver, Steel and Lead, they might be overused ores, but... what's wrong with that? in that case you could at least say that it becomes confusing to have lots of different coppers, but it's not like every two mods you find Enderite, so far I've only seen it twice, first in the original Enderite mod, next in my own version.
You got a point, but...
> I feel slightly attacked by this
I apologise
> I believe, most recent Enderite mod.
When exacly did you make it?
> Not everything needs to be original
but it should be, or else it's repetitive and boring
> People are free to make whatever mods they want
True, but I'm just pointing out that the concept is being overdone and quickly becomes boring.
> It's not like every two mods you find Enderite
True, but I never said that. I'm saying that there are a lot of Enderite mods, but not that every mod is about it.
> So far I've only seen it twice
Curseforge, Google and MCreator - definitely more than twice
> first in the original Enderite mod
I am pretty confident it's not the original.
Also one more thing - quit emerald armor as well. Pretty self explanitory and similar to Enderite.
I Agree, Same with Obsidian Tools and Armor
(guys, prepare for a long reply XD )
Yurina, you make good points, just like myxical said! but I wanna point something out: yes, people can technically do what they want as long as they stay true to the mod's theme... however maybe it could sometimes lead to unoriginal, generic ideas being born. and we just think there should be more variation and special properties to things, you know; way more than just a simple upgrade from netherite without even having added value, or just straight-up content that seems overdone or imitates vanilla too closely. to quote a vid that TeamAbnormals, a 'vanilla-style' modding team, made:
and I think that's one of, if not, the most important things to keep in mind when you wanna make a really good mod that won't bore players quickly.
don't worry about the naming tho, I'm not very strict about it, as even with a dozen enderite mods one could still find which one they're looking for by checking the textures or the item registry name which has the mod ID in it. I simply meant it as a suggestion that coming up with better names adds a nice touch... but that's pretty much it. I didn't say they should; rather I said they "could at least", which states only a possibility.
and sorry if you felt slightly attacked by my remarks in my last comment too, but I'll tell you what: I've actually downloaded and installed your enderite mod, and it's pretty good! it's even the only enderite mod I wanted to download so far, because unlike 50% of the topmost search results for "enderite" I found on Curseforge, yours had something unique (that was resistance to levitation and instant extinguishing whenever you burn), which is very useful! and the fact that it has "end fossil" and "end amber", instead of just "ender debris" and "enderite scrap" which is so similar in concept to vanilla netherite? that's such a good idea! that's the main reason I downloaded your enderite mod in the first place; you got me interested, never mind the name, because it had more original names, and because it actually has added value due to how useful it will be when exploring End structures, completely preventing oneself from levitating into deadly heights and saving them from burning, as an exchange for how expensive it is to make. so good job! (I can't wait to go to the End & find End fossils, haha) <3
sorry, I meant "because it had more original names in most features, except from, obviously, 'enderite' " :|
...oops, one more mistake, i actually said "can" instead of "could", which states an ability of people instead of possibility. but I understand, not everyone has the ability, or want, to come up with unique names and not everyone has to. so for me, it's still acceptable to name it enderite as long as it isn't a reskinned direct upgrade that has nothing more unique to it, especially since it's considered an endgame material.
About Yurina's enderite mod - the levitation resistance isn't really that vanilla fitting, chorus already kind of does that. The purpose of chorus is to save you from high and dangerous places. So I don't know about that one.
Yes things DO have to be original or there won't be anything creative for mods and it will all be enderite mods.