Mob Crashes for the Sound

Started by Snelty on

Topic category: Help with MCreator software

Joined Aug 2021

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Mob Crashes for the Sound

When i generate a Custom mod the launcher freeze and the one form of closing him is with the task manager or alt f4 

Console logs:

11:14.29 [Thread-5/ERROR] [minecraft/SoundManager]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
11:14.29 [Thread-5/ERROR] [minecraft/SoundManager]: File does not contain Vorbis header in method 'readHeader'.
11:14.29 [Thread-5/ERROR] [minecraft/SoundManager]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
11:14.29 [Thread-5/ERROR] [minecraft/SoundManager]: Error reading the header 11:14.29 [Thread-5/ERROR] [minecraft/SoundManager]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
11:14.29 [Thread-5/ERROR] [minecraft/SoundManager]: File does not contain Vorbis header in method 'readHeader'.
11:14.29 [Thread-5/ERROR] [minecraft/SoundManager]: Error in class 'CodecJOrbis'
11:14.29 [Thread-5/ERROR] [minecraft/SoundManager]: Error reading the header

Can someone help me?