Push (Single Player)

Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
Upvotes: 26
About the plugin

This plugin is just a simple plugin to add the option to check for Alt, Ctrl, Shift or all three are down.


Known limitations:
Screen is apart of the GUI class what servers don't have so you would have to do a client side only check and send the information to the
server, and servers will throw out a error.(Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/Screen for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER)

If you want keys to work on a server please use the built in Key bindings, the limitation of how screen works on a server can't be over come
this isn't a bug with the plugin but a limitation with servers, since there is already a work around takes as long as it would take to come up with
a made work around to use push on a server I advice you to use that.


Change Log:
#Tested in 2022.1.16.5/1.18.2 forge 
#Added a All key check (1.16.5 to 1.18.2 tested)
#Tested in 2021.3 Basic test(shift) for 1.16.5 + 1.17.1 Forge
#Tested in Unreleased 2022.1 1.17.1/1.18.1 forge
# Fixed problems in language file
# Test in 2021.2 EAP and Source

This plugin is just a simple plugin to add the option to check for Alt, Ctrl and shift is down.

Example #1In-Game #1

Few tweaks updated by Goldorion, Please don't edit my work and release it on any website without following the license, another way
to submit fix's and changes is via GitHub the changes people have made and released without following the license has already been
pointed out but never posted where it should of been, via GitHub, please follow the License thanks.



https://github.com/LexShadow/Push (out of date right now)

GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)

Plugin downloads
Push - Single Player - Push.zip Uploaded on: 03/12/2022 - 10:36   File size: 118.21 KB
Push - Single Player - Push.zip Uploaded on: 02/26/2022 - 23:59   File size: 92.03 KB
Push - Single Player - Push.zip Uploaded on: 06/13/2021 - 10:57   File size: 87.56 KB


Hello!! Great addon!! Do you think you could do something similar for mouse events like right button down and left button down, right button up, and left button up?

I was wondering, how does this work on servers? When i made my own "press key check" with varibles before this was updated the keybindings did not work.

Servers don't have the screen class as it's apart of the GUI class so you would have to find away to trigger it locally and some how send the action to the server, I found out about this today by someone else reporting that it errors out on servers.

Well to say the global variable isn't server friendly ever that whole thing wouldn't work anyway, what you have to do is have it trigger local only and send another request to the server there isn't a fix as it's not a bug there is no screen code in the server as it has no GUI so it dose not need it.

The local functions will still work fine but will show a error on the server even is provided world for some reason it's still sending the request to the server nothing I created dose this.

My update might now work, it seems it worked when I first tested it but today when reopening a 1.17.1 project it didn't work so I am not sure if anyone else is having this problem please let me know.

I am going to update and test 1.17.1 later this week I seen I never included the folder for it.

Give it a try with 1.17.1 as I made this for client version I use it in 2021.3 in 1.16.5 so it might work fine in 1.17.1, 1.8 I can't say yet as I don't have that client I am been unable to build that version now as they not updated the wiki on how to compile it I feel it's a big FU to devs so I will just have to wait until it's public.

When you download the plugin make sure you delete the old version first then install the update, the tooltops was fixed in, if there is bugs please report it on GitHub so I can see the reply even when notify me is on I don't get told about updates here so please use the issue tracked on GitHub, if you want to make changes to this plugin follow the Lic thanks.

Really nice addon, I will use it for expanded descriptions which will only be visible wenn shift is pressed