Started by
Lord Of The D 42
Topic category: Help with MCreator software
more specifically the "##.##" part. I want to know how that's formatted
Edited by Lord Of The D 42 on Sat, 05/14/2022 - 16:10
Topic category: Help with MCreator software
more specifically the "##.##" part. I want to know how that's formatted
##. ## means 5.33333333333333 will be changed to 5.33
##.#### to 5.3333 ect
##.## is decimal number/float, where number of # after the . means how many decimal numbers you want to keep. If you formate it just like ## , you get whole number/integer without decimals.
So be careful when you compare two numbers in text, they have to be formatted equally!
How do you put text in front/behind it?
In "Text procedure blocks" there is a block "create text with". You just connect a text or a formatted number in the order you want to have the final text.
You don't even need to do that. You can just add text before or after the ##.## and it will display fine.
ey thanks Valirane
what about to display time? like 16:30 h ? is there one for it?