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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
Is there some way to create custom ammo not simply for a custom ranged item, but for a vanilla bow? Is this something I may have to create a custom model for (.java/.obj/.json) as well? And is it supposed to be created as an "Item" or something else?
There is no way to change anything about vanilla items with the basic mcreator tools
What you can do is create the bow from scratch, and make the recipe replace the one from vanilla minecraft, the only problem would be that skeletons would drop the normal bow and chests would have the normal bow as well
You could also do an extra recipe to turn the bow into your bow if you want every bow to be able to shoot your custom bullets
I did something similar in my mod with the simithing table and some custom bows
Thanks for your input. I may have to do it that way.
But I'm not really trying to change the vanilla bow. I'm trying to create an item that the bow will recognizes as ammo. Surely there's a method or field that'll tell the vanilla bow, "hey, this is something I can use!" Much like the vanilla bow can shoot a variety of vanilla items. I was hoping there was a way to make an mcreator item that mimicked vanilla ammo. For example, we can already make custom fuel that goes into vanilla furnaces.
I will give your idea a try, though. It looks like I can make a custom loot table, so that'll control what shows up in chests at least (I think???)
It seems that I can have a "bow" that will either (a) require no ammo whatsoever or (b) only allow 1 type of ammo (arrow OR spectral arrow OR custom bullet OR...) but not multiple like the vanilla bow. :-(
just use vanilla bow tag
what does this mean in particular??