Respawn entity with interval

Started by RandomDrago on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

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Respawn entity with interval

Hoi! I've been planning on making a map and the map will have respawning custom mobs at a certain village when they die.

 So I want the mob to respawn after getting killed.

And if it's possible I want there to be a limit to how many of them can exist at the same time (only 7 alive at same time for example)

Would appreciate it if someone helped about this 

Joined Jul 2021

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It actually isn't too hard…
Sat, 07/30/2022 - 05:09

It actually isn't too hard to do this. So for your custom village, when it spawns, you have to make 3 global map variables: villagexpos, villageypos, villagezpos do the procedure:

When structure spawns:

Set villagexpos to x

Set villageypos to y

Set villagezpos to z


And now, in an "when entity dies" global procedure, add this:

If event/target entity is sub-type of your custom entity:

   Do in server-side world "The dimension your custom village spawns in"

   spawn entity at villagexpos villageypos+3 villagezpos Type: Your custom entity

Or something like that.

Joined Feb 2022

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Ooh! That's pretty clever…
Sat, 07/30/2022 - 07:17

Ooh! That's pretty clever thank you for your help! I couldn't think of doing that lmao :D