[TUTORIAL] Making a Loot Table but explained more (2022.1)

Started by Kitsunabigail_Legacy on

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[TUTORIAL] Making a Loot Table but explained more (2022.1)
Sun, 05/15/2022 - 01:22 (edited)

Why am I here?

So you read the page for loot tables. You still don't know what to do. This tutorial will help you make a loot table much simpler! For example for my upcoming mod Nature's Reinforcing, I want my warthogs to drop multiple porkchops and have a slight chance to drop a custom item of mine!


Registry Name: To make this simple, you pick the entry you want to make a loot table for! Since I named one of my warthogs a Sandhog and it's a loot table for an entity, I enter entities/sandhog.
Loot table namespace: Simple! If you want to make a loot table for your mod, make sure it's 'mod'. If you want to modify a vanilla mob's loot table, make sure it's 'minecraft'.

Loot table type: For our mob, we want to make sure it's Entity. Use Block if you want a loot table for your block, use fishing if you want to change fishing loot (you don't need a name), etc. For chests, you'll have to perform the command /data merge block ~ ~ ~ {LootTable:"minecraft:the/loot_table/registry/Name"}/LootTable:"yourmodID:the/loot_table/registry/Name"} where the three tildes are the X Y and Z positions of the chest. The name should be the same as the loot table's name. You can name it whatever you want. (THIS APPLIES TO CHESTS ONLY.)

This is what you should have for the entities below!
"Don't judge the text, I used MS Paint."

Loot Table Pools & Entries

Now it's time for the fun part! Adding the drops! You start with an empty loot table, where you can add pool entries, or make a new table pool! Add whatever you want in Entry Item and you can change the following:

Entry weight is how common the loot entry will be. The higher the weight, the more common it is. It will be useless if there's only 1 loot entry since it will be guaranteed to drop. If you want it to not be guaranteed, add a different item or air by clicking the 'Add pool entry' button on the table pool and make it higher/lower than the other! For example, for a 5% drop, make Air have Entry weight of 95 and the 5% drop 5! For chances lower than 1, I recommend making the maximum 1,000 for a minimum of a 0.1% drop, 10,000 for a minimum of a 0.01% drop, etc.

Min count and Max count are how many items will be dropped at least/most. A Min/Max count of 1/3 will make it so the item will drop once, twice, or thrice!

Affected by Fortune decides whether a table entry will be affected by Fortune/Looting.

Enable Explosion Decay decides whether a drop is affected by explosions.

Silk Touch mode decides whether the entry doesn't need silk touch, needs silk touch, or disallows silk touch.

Now if you want multiple items to drop, you'll need another loot table pool. Make a new one and follow the previous steps.

This is what you should have now!


And we are done! This is what should happen!

I hope this more explained tutorial helps with your mod!

Edited by Kitsunabigail_Legacy on Sun, 05/15/2022 - 01:22
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Thanks! It took me 30…
Tue, 05/17/2022 - 15:36

Thanks! It took me 30 minutes to make for the purpose of making MCreator easier to learn!

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Thanks for the good tutorial…
Sun, 06/19/2022 - 19:05

Thanks for the good tutorial !

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Is there a way to make a…
Thu, 07/07/2022 - 02:16

Is there a way to make a loot table only apply when the mob or block is broken with a specific tool or item?

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I'm pretty sure you can use…
Sun, 07/17/2022 - 01:43

I'm pretty sure you can use procedures to call the loot table if the source entity is holding said tool. Otherwise, you're going to need to know Java and use custom code.

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Well explained tyy
Sun, 02/19/2023 - 02:43

Well explained tyy

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Wonderful :D
Fri, 03/17/2023 - 16:07

Wonderful :D

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tysm now i don't have to use…
Sun, 04/16/2023 - 13:25

tysm now i don't have to use procedures :)

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Can you show us how to do it…
Fri, 11/22/2024 - 10:19

Can you show us how to do it with chests, cause they're just downright confusing in my opinion.