Tree/Sapling Element

Started by MCDragon on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

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Tree/Sapling Element
Fri, 04/15/2022 - 04:38 (edited)

Currently the only way to generate custom trees is by using the built-in tree generator in the Biome mod element or by doing an external way like creating a structure and doing a semi-complex procedure to generate said structure upon a makeshift sapling being created. This is honestly just a massive hassle when it could be simplified for users who don't want to dive deep into procedures as much as just using mod elements. Another thing I must mention is that if this feature is added, then custom trees would have to appear in the tree selector in the biome element.

- Log Block: Lets the user choose the trees log block.
- Leaf Block: Lets the user choose the trees leaf block.
- Maximum Tree Height: Determines the tallest the tree can generate (1-25).
- Maximum Tree Width: Determines the thinnest the tree can generate (1-5)
- Minimum Tree Height: Determines the shortest the tree can generate (1-25).
- Minimum Tree Width: Determines the widest the tree can generate (1-5).

- Generate Vines: Determines if the tree generates vines.
- Vine Block: Lets the user choose which vine is generated on the tree.
- Maximum Vine Height: Determines the tallest that the vine can generate on the tree.
- Minimum Vine Height: Determines the shortest that the vine can generate on the tree.

- Generate Fruit: Determines if the tree generates fruits like Cocoa Beans.
- Fruit Block: Lets the user choose which fruit is generated on the tree.
- Maximum Fruit Height: Determines the highest that the fruit can generate on the tree.
- Minimum Fruit Height: Determines the lowest that the fruit can generate on the tree.

- Generate Beehives: Determines if the tree generates beehives.

- Sapling Texture: Determines the saplings texture.
- Sapling Model: Lets the user choose a custom sapling model.
- Can Bonemeal: Determines if the sapling can be grown up with bonemeal.

Edited by MCDragon on Fri, 04/15/2022 - 04:38
Active 1 month ago
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Where's the upvote button /j
Wed, 03/16/2022 - 02:24

Where's the upvote button /j

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Completely agree - Making…
Sat, 04/09/2022 - 10:14

Completely agree - Making saplings are currently a pain and this would make it so much easier to use
1 thing however: Wouldnt there also be an option for 2*2 trees or custom sizes (like 3*3, or 2*4)

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Edited the idea to include…
Fri, 04/15/2022 - 04:40

Edited the idea to include tree width.

Active 1 year ago
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This is a Must-have Element!…
Tue, 10/24/2023 - 21:16

This is a Must-have Element! Please add this! This will give mods more life quick, and easy!