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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
hey guys,
so i got this car fuel system im working on, put cell gasoline-> fill tank (+ value NBT) it works but it wont show me the current NBT value on the GUI, it wont update, i set up OnEntityTick to Return me the NBT value (entityFuel) there, and made another procedure to Return it in Text so i can display on the entity GUI - what im missin here ? thanks!
Entity NBT is not synced between client and server side.
MCreator 2023.4 will add synced entity data and you should use this for this purpose.
You can download pre-release which is out
but there must be a way to do this on 2023 right?
im kinda scared of pass my workspace to a snapshot, i got 600 elements already, is there a way to do this with maybe local var? i would do it on any way i can
hey klemens i notice my armor set does store nbt (i display them on the item name) isnt a armor piece a entity too?
i just notice i can get the nbt back with a Item from right click an entity too, so i can do that but not dislay on gui on 2023.3? what about display on the overlay? thanks btw!
The answer is no. As I said, you will need 2023.4 for this.
I would recommend backing up your workspace and testing out the snapshot anyway and report any potential bugs you find. If you copy your folder, nothing can really happen. You should make backups from time to time anyways just to be sure in case you delete something if you value your workspace.
If you don't do that, there is no guarantee your workspace will work on the next release.
oh well... rip lol, im waiting for the final realease of 2023.4 i guess
I would recommend backing up your workspace and testing out the snapshot anyway and report any potential bugs you find. If you copy your folder, nothing can really happen.
i will get it after realease prb i still have a lot to add on this workspace, i end up downgrading my entire fuel system back to cells (spend cells on ticks) looks more stable atm, maybe on the future they add more suport for entity-vehicle like tanks and energy system
but i would love to help the devs to test it on another workspace too if they need it :)
im on 2023.4 and i still cant return that NBT :( i cant find nothing on google
i call the procedure to return the NBT and it wont give it back, and i know its working because i can return that NBT with a Item on right click, what is not working is the Return Text for the GUI :/
when you return a value from a entity on a GUI, the entity is the Entity/Target entity right?