ShadowsAPIs - NavaRayUK

Published by NavaRayUK on
Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
API support
Upvotes: 16
About the plugin

This Plugin adds API support in to MCreator 2022.1 & up, over time I will update & add more. Now maintained by NavaRayUK, original found [here]



Since this Plugin page was taken, had most of it's API's without no credit given I am not going to be updating this anymore, I don't want your workspace been broken because you have enabled two multi API Plugins, even tho they clearly coppied this page and also the API's I give them full permission to take the rest of it and keep on updating it, I not going to be the blame for confliction of Plugins. 


                              DO NOT INSTALL THIS and LYUVX's API at the same time, you will create problems in your workspace and your own confusion.



   Do not enable every API this will slow down the building of your mod/client and could make your game unstable or even crash, not all API's play well with each other so your mileage may vary. Using Jade and JEI part of your test environment with one or two API's max should be OK, but once again mileage my vary, this is only test in to the client rest of the leg work is down to you.

Where you find (NR) is where I, NavaRayUK as updated, PS I don't have time to test this so let me know asap if anything has broken. 

Supported right now:

CTM: [Docs]

  • 1.16.5 - Forge(Beta CTM MC1.16.1-  - Unknown) 
  • 1.18.2 - Forge(Beta CTM 1.18.2-1.1.5+5  - Unknown)
  • 1.19.2 - Forge(Beta 1.1.6+8) (NR)

Obfuscate: [Docs]

  • 1.16.5  - Forge Tested(0.6.3 - Loaded) 

JEI: [Docs] - [CurseForge] - [Modrinth]

  • 1.16.5  - Forge Tested( - Loaded + Used) 
  • 1.18.2  - Forge Tested( - Loaded + Used)
  • 1.19.2 -  Forge(
  • 1.19.4 -  Forge( (NR)
  • 1.20.1 -  Forge( (NR) - [Tested In game]
  • 1.20.2 -  Forge( (NR) - [Experimental/Beta_forge/Unofficial 1.20.2 Gen]

Patchouli: [Docs] - [CurseForge] - [Modrinth]

  • 1.16.5 -  Forge ( - Loaded) 
  • 1.18.2 -  Forge(71 - Loaded) /Fabric (70 - Unknown)
  • 1.19.2 -  Forge(77)
  • 1.19.4 -  Forge(79.1) (NR)
  • 1.20.1 -  [2023.4 +]Forge(81) (NR) 

Bookshelf: [Docs]

  • 1.16.5 - Forge (10.4.31 - Loaded) 
  • 1.18.2 - Forge.(13.0.7 - Loaded) /Fabric (13.0.7 - Unknown)
  • 1.19.2 - Forge(16.1.11)

CraftTweaker: [Doc] - [CurseForge]

  • 1.16.5 -  Forge( - Loaded)
  • 1.19.2 -  Forge(10.0.16)
  • 1.19.4 -  Forge(12.0.2) (NR)
  • 1.20.1 -  Forge(14.0.17) (NR)

Caelus API: [Doc] - [CurseForge] - [Modrinth]

  • 1.16.5 -  Forge( - Loaded)
  • 1.18.2 -  Forge( - Loaded)
  • 1.19.2 -  Forge( - Unknown)
  • 1.19.4 -  Forge( (NR)
  • 1.20.1 -  Forge(3.1.0+1.20) (NR)

Jade: [Doc] - [CurseForge] - [Modrinth]

  • 1.16.5 -  Forge(2.8.1 - Working)
  • 1.18.2 -  Forge(5.0.1 - Working)
  • 1.19.2 -  Forge(8.6.0)
  • 1.19.4 -  Forge(10.3.1) (NR)
  • 1.20.1 -  Forge(11.6.1) (NR) - [Tested In game]

Guidebook: [Doc] - [CurseForge]

  • 1.16.5 -  Forge(3.2.1 - Working)
  • 1.18.2 -  Forge(3.4.0 - Working)
  • 1.19.2 -  Forge(3.6.1)
  • 1.19.4 -  Forge(3.8.0) (NR)
  • 1.20.1 -  Forge(3.8.2) (NR)

Architectury-API: [Doc]

  • 1.16.5 -  Forge (1.30.55 - Working)
  • 1.18.2 -  Forge (4.1.32 - Working)
  • 1.19.2 -  Forge(6.5.85) (NR)
  • 1.19.4 -  Forge(8.2.89) (NR)
  • 1.20.1 -  Forge(9.1.12) (NR)

Cloth Config: [Doc] - [CurseForge] - [Modrinth]

  • 1.16.5 -  Forge (4.14.54 - Loaded)
  • 1.18.2 -  Forge (6.2.57 - Loaded)
  • 1.19.4 -  Forge(10.1.105) (NR)
  • 1.20.1 -  Forge(11.1.106) (NR)

Framed Blocks: [CurseForge

  • 1.19.4 -  Forge(8.01) (NR)
  • 1.20.1 -  Forge(9.1.5) (NR)

Terra Blender: [CurseForge] - [Modrinth]

  • 1.19.4 - Forge( (NR)
  • 1.20.1 - Forge( (NR)

Dynamic Lights: [CurseForge]

  • 1.19.4 -  Forge( (NR)
  • 1.20.1 -  Forge( (NR) - [Tested In game]

Kotlin for Forge: [CurseForge] - [Modrinth]

  • 1.19.4 -  Forge(4.5.0) (NR)
  • 1.20.1 -  Forge(4.5.0) (NR) 
  • 1.20.2 -  Forge(4.5.0) (NR) - [Experimental/Beta_forge/Unofficial 1.20.2 Gen]

Pehkui: [CurseForge] - [Modrinth]

  • 1.19.4 -  Forge(3.7.11) (NR) - [Loaded in game under mods]
  • 1.20.1 -  Forge(3.7.11) (NR) - [Loaded in game under mods and fully works.]

MCEF [Soon] - [Soon]

  • 1.19.2 -  Forge(1.2.5) (NR) - Untested
  • 1.20.1 -  Forge(2.1.1) (NR) - Testing


Coming Soon:

  Nothing will be coming soon, please use another Multi API plugin, using more then one could do damage to your workspace.

Updates Ended, Thanks for using this Plugin.


If you need something added then stick the name and CurseForge link below and make sure they have a option to add there mod to a dev environment or that there mod is unlocked for 3rd party downloads, without these they wont be able to be added. 




     Not Tested dose not mean it dose not work, it just means I don't have any examples to test them with. If there are any problems please let me know in the comments section or on the GitHub page. Please note other plugins that adds the same API's might stop working or this plugin might so please keep this in mind.

Also sub note, I might not be able to keep this updated as much as I would like so give me a poke over on MoreCube if I forgot


Change log:

  • - Added Pehkui 1.19.4/1.20.1 version 3.7.11 - FINAL
  • - Added Kotlin 1.19.4/1.20.2 and updated JEI to 1.20.2 
  • - Fixed Patchouli's API, this fix will not work until 2023.4 EAP/Release version.
  • - Added Dynamic Lights for 1.19.4/1.20.1, updated Architectury-API, CTM and Caelus API, fixed Jade with mixer and JEI using the wrong mod for the 1.20.1 API request. - Updated Guildbook and CraftTweaker to 1.19.4 & 1.20.1, fixed the old Gecko unlisted bug thanks to Klemen, removed as they was a little bit bugged. - Added Framed Blocks & Terra Blender to the API list for 1.19.4 and 1.20.1 - First Release by myself NavaRayUK, you can download below or from GitHub[here]
- Updated: Patchouli, Caelus, Cloth-config, Jade & JEI, Removed: Curios API

If you see a change log with the cross through it "like this" it means I have removed that version for download here, all versions can still be downloaded via GitHub if you really want to go to a bugged version.

Project members
Former developer
GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)

Plugin downloads - Uploaded on: 10/30/2023 - 17:35   File size: 16.61 KB - Uploaded on: 10/25/2023 - 12:16   File size: 16.06 KB - Uploaded on: 10/06/2023 - 18:29   File size: 15.48 KB - Uploaded on: 10/06/2023 - 13:34   File size: 15.47 KB


Since another API as come out and just cloned most of this plugin, ask them to now add everything in this one, they have clearly seen this plugin and created there plugin to include most of this, so ask them to include the reason of this plugin in to it, there is no point in many multi api's plugins so I am going to for now on drop this until the other plugin drops or changes the API's it's using but they have two many the same as ours even if they didn't copy they should of checked first and it will create conflict in the plugins.

They have my permission to use any of the codes provided here.

i am suggesting the mod modernfix to be added it adds a bunch of useful mixins to minecraft and half of them include bug fixes and performance things for the dev enviorment

How would I add a block to JEI? Like if I made a custom crafting system how could I add it

The patchouli version provided seems to require forge-47.1.1 for 1.20.1 while the generator is only on forge-47.1.0

Patchouli for 1.20.1 (on 2023.3) doesn't work. When you boot the game, you get the error that the forge version isn't right.

I should be able to add this API as long as you now it's only the API the use of the API is down to you, I don't see why I can't add this one I will give it a test in the next day or so have IRL to deal with today.

Add curios API support please. I want to make some cool curios things ;)

There is already a plugin that covers curios so I wont be adding this as when it's updated the two plugins will clash so I would rather not do this, unless you get the dev of that plugin in here saying they wont be updating it any more I can't help as it's unfair to stand on a another dev's feet and there plugin also includes java elements I don't have the time to learns all that.