Custom Spawn Eggs

Supported MCreator versions
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Upvotes: 14
About the plugin

Changes how spawn eggs are generated instead of using the default minecraft template you need to make 2 item textures:

Supported Generators:

- 1.19.2-1.20.1 forge

- 1.19.2, 1.20.1 fabric


How to use (Normal version):

1. Make an item texture and call it spawn_egg, in normal minecraft its the egg shape. Recommended to use shades of gray for the colours of the spawn egg texture itself not the mob.

2. Make a second item texture and call it spawn_egg_overlay, in normal minecraft its the dots on a spawn egg. Recommended to use shades of gray for the colours of the spawn egg texture itself not the mob. 

3. Go to the spawn_egg texture and remove the pixels where pixels on spawn_egg_overlay would be. This way there won't be zfighting(Where pixels seem to glitch and swap between different textures, caused by textures overlapping.)

How to use (Special version):

Same as normal except its per entity. (element registery name)_spawn_egg, (element registery name)_spawn_egg_overlay

Plugin forum topic

Plugin downloads
CustomSpawnEggModel Plugin V1.2 - Normal - Uploaded on: 09/24/2023 - 19:33   File size: 3.74 KB
CustomSpawnEggModel Plugin V1.2 - Special - Uploaded on: 09/24/2023 - 19:33   File size: 4.23 KB


Attention!! You need to change the color so that it works for an already created entity. Or just create a new one.

make 2 item textures.
first ones name: spawn_egg
it represents the spawn egg base texture.
second ones name: spawn_egg_overlay
represents the overlay for spawn eggs texture, in default this texture is the dots on a spawn egg.

1.1 Changelog:
- Fixed spawn eggs in 1.19.4 having the purple and black glitched texture.

Future Plans:
- try to add a way to use spawn egg model variants if possible