Particle models

Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
Java plugin
Upvotes: 26
About the plugin

Particle models allows you to use 3D java models as particles using the particle model mod element and existing particle mod elements.


This is a java plugin and requires java plugins to be enabled



-Fixed particles bugging out when changing dimensions or leaving the world

-Updated to work with MCreator 2024.1.15821

-Fixed 1.19.2 particle models causing a build error
-Fixed 1.19.2 particles rendering through blocks
-Fixed particle models not moving smoothly
-Support for MCreator 2024.1
-Support for neoforge 1.20.4
MIT License

Plugin downloads
Particle models v1.2 (MCreator 2023.4 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 04/12/2024 - 19:42   File size: 23.12 KB
Particle models v1.2 (MCreator 2024.1 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 07/19/2024 - 16:55   File size: 26.71 KB
Particle models v1.2 (MCreator 2024.2 ONLY) - Uploaded on: 07/19/2024 - 17:06   File size: 19.85 KB


WoW Dude. You are amazing although i am a bit hesitant to use it because i am afraid that it may not be in the 2024 version.
If it is not ported to the new Mcreator version(s), will removing the 3d particle element (and the plugin) before updating break all of my workspace?

I can help you make procedures that simulate the usage but this plugin will always be better and less tedious.
1) Make a model for a mob
2) Lower rendering distance to 8-16
3) Make it immune to damage and disable AI
4) Create a procedure that summons that specific entity with the appropriate orientation.

Congrats you made it!

ok i have this lazer particle but i want it to face were the player or entity using it is facing

Just make a long block in the Y axis and make 3-4 frames for it's texture.
Now create your particles with a life of 2 ticks
Laser1 Laser2 Laser3 Lazer4
Search for lazer procedure in the forum a person has made it.
Change the particles to lazer 1. Add the wait block.
Add intervals of 2 ticks per Laser stage so after 2 ticks Lazer2 is spawned then after 4 (2 after Lazer2) Lazer3 is spawned after 6 etc

Hello NerdyPuzzle, this is a very nice plugin! I wanted to ask you whether it's okay for you or not to make the ME into the MCreator core. Can I do this? If yes, it may be good! I'm asking this because many people could need such a feature.

There is a way to make 3d particals have a glowy effect right like if I wanted a Lazer looking thing (and sorry if your finding my account a lot)