Update 3d texture of an element by reading from inventory

Started by Braismp007 on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

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Update 3d texture of an element by reading from inventory

Good, I have a question, for my mod required to update the 3d model depending on the object to be introduced in your inventory, for example, if you put a cardboard box in the inventory, to modify the 3d model of an empty shelf for a shelf with a cardboard box. But keeping the inventory, of course. Thanks

For item, you can do this…
Fri, 05/03/2024 - 08:13

For item, you can do this using item states

For entity, you can do this using "synced entity data" and "model layers"

For block, currently, you need to replace the block on a given location with a block with a different model. There is procedure block to replace block at location and preserve NBT/state/inventory contents for you to swap the block "silently"