Supported MCreator versions
Upvotes: 8
About the plugin
Data Organizer is a plugin that adds two new variables, List and Map (key and value).
List example:
Map example:
Advanced stuff:
The first index should not be negative
The second index should not be greater than list size
The first index should not be greater than the second index
If the first and second indexes are equal, it returns an empty list
list = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g]
anotherList = [b, c, d, e]
You can use sublist in blocks that require a list(clear, shuffle, reverse, sort, etc) so that block only affects that part of that list
For example the clear block in this picture will only remove c, d, e and after that the list will look like this: [a, b, f, g]
List Filter:
The List Filter block sends each element of the list to the procedure, and if the procedure returns True, that element remains in the list, but if it returns False, that element will be removed from the list
The List Filter block does not affect the original list
Make sure that the procedure you use for filtering has only one dependency Object, and that object will be the elements of the list
If your list is not of only one type (for example, only numbers), you can use these blocks to filter each type separately
List Mapping:
The List Mapping block sends each element of the list to the procedure, and the action performed in the procedure is performed on each of the elements and creates a new list of new values.
The List Mapping block does not affect the original list
Make sure that the procedure you use for mapping has only one dependency Object, and that object will be the elements of the list
The mapping procedure return value must be an Object
More complex List Mapping:
A new procedure template called list full check has been added, which is long if-elseif and if you want to check each type of data separately, you can use it.
Supported Versions:
Forge 1.19.2
Forge 1.19.4
Forge 1.20.1
NeoForge 1.20.4
NeoForge 1.20.6
- Port to MCreator 2024.2
- Added Forge-1.19.2, Forge-1.19.4 support
- Added subcategory Compatibilities
- Added File Manager plugin compatibility
- Added normal for loop
- Fixed Sublist block
- Fixed Get list size block
- Added blocks to check the Object variable type
- Added advanced blocks such as List Filter, List Mapping, Sublist
- Fixed some bugs
- Fixed some spelling mistakes
- Initial release
GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
Issue tracker
Source code repository
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Plugins are not official or affiliated with Pylo in any way.
In case of any copyright infringement or suspicious downloads, please let us know as soon as possible.
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Uploaded on: 07/16/2024 - 17:48 File size: 122.56 KB
Can I use this plugin using 2024.3?