Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions
I am trying to make a mod, and every time I get anywhere the elements just randomly get deleted. I made config file stuff with a plugin that took forever, and copper plate, and big procedure to go with them, and they got deleted. And just recently I made 4 "Copper Repeaters" and 4 procedures to go with them, and they got deleted again after I turned on my pc. Can someone please help, I am using MCreator 2023.2, I have these plugins: attributes, better crafting recipes, blockstates (Doesn't work with the Mcreator I am using), configuration files, damage procedures, 1.18.2 generator (generator 1.18.2 1.3 2023.2), Marwinekks Procedures Plus, Nerdy's Geckolib Plugin, Procedures Fiesta, SerpZ Mcreator Plugin, shaders utils, SnalPlugin, WorldRenderer.
I recommend updating MCreator.
I also recommend removing all plugins and installing them one by one to rule out bug of any plugin.
Also make sure to close MCreator with X button and not forcefully, or even shutting down computer while MCreator is open
I don't update my Mcreator because higher versions of Mcreator don't have the plugins I need, but my stuff might have gotten deleted because of a new graphics driver update, but I'm not sure. If my stuff gets deleted again, I'll try a higher version of Mcreator.