Supported MCreator versions
Upvotes: 7
About the plugin
Use the ManaBarLib Mod Directly In Mcreator
Custom Procedures, API, and Animated Progress Bar
To use begin by enabling the External API from the by clicking workspace settings at the top right --> external API's --> Check ManaBarLib
The plugin adds the following procedures:
1) Set the ManaBar visibility to <true/false> for <target entity>
2) Set ManaBar percentage to <number> for <target entity>
3) Set cooldown regeneration time to <number> ticks for <target entity>
4) Get current ManaBar percentage for <target entity>
Initially the ManaBar will be toggled off, so make sure to turn it on using the visibility procedure
The ManaBar will appear at the bottom left of the players screen when toggled on
After exporting the mod you will need to add the ManaBarLib mod as a dependency - it can be found here:
ManaBarLib Page
Plugin forum topic
Plugins may contain bugs, break workspaces, or alter the way MCreator operates.
Plugins are not official or affiliated with Pylo in any way.
In case of any copyright infringement or suspicious downloads, please let us know as soon as possible.
Plugin downloads
ManaBarLib-1.0.0 - [Forge - 1.20.1] -
Uploaded on: 07/04/2024 - 07:11 File size: 5.21 KB
ManaBarLib-1.0.1 - [Forge - 1.20.1, NeoForge 1.20.6] -
Uploaded on: 08/29/2024 - 11:23 File size: 7.22 KB
Would have been nice to have a gui/overlay element of this be a thing but this is still cool.