How to have no daylight cycle in a dimension?

Started by squib___ on

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How to have no daylight cycle in a dimension?

Every time I've tried making a dimension, the daylight cycle still happens. This always ruins the dimension as the "sunset" colour applied by the game overrides the fog colour and makes the sky an ugly orange colour.



Similar to how the Nether and End don't have daylight cycles, I'd like for my custom Dimension to not have a daylight cycle.

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are you willing to change…
Mon, 06/07/2021 - 01:07

are you willing to change really few parts of the code? if so, then you're kinda in luck! i only know how to do it in 1.15, but it's simple:

(for 1.15) simply lock the code of your dimension mod element, press ctrl+f to search, find "public float calculateCelestialAngle(long worldTime, float partialTicks)", then change it to:

public float calculateCelestialAngle(long worldTime, float partialTicks) {
			return 0.5F;

and i believe you can use any float value instead of 0.5. that makes the world time of your custom dimension similar to the Nether

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Hmm.. my mod is in 1.16.5,…
Mon, 06/07/2021 - 01:10

Hmm.. my mod is in 1.16.5, but i'll try using this. I don't think they'd change how the daylight cycle works. If it doesn't work i'll just revert the code changes. Thanks!

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you're welcome :)
Mon, 06/07/2021 - 01:17

you're welcome :)

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I found how to do this in…
Tue, 09/05/2023 - 14:59

I found how to do this in later versions, it also involves locking the dimension element.

Open the json file under namespace resources\data\modid\dimension_type and it'll show a list of properties for your dimension. Adding the property 

"fixed_time": 1;

Sets a fixed time for your dimension. I've tried setting it to 1, 12, 50, etc, but they all seem to result in a sky with daylight brightness and no sun or moon. The site linked below mentions the integer value assigns the time of day in the dimension, but some other setting I have on may be preventing different times from appearing.


Other experiments include making skylight false and making ambient light: 0.1, which disables shading in caves and stuff but isn't as bright as midday. Torches and lightning still make areas brighter without being pitch black. This works nicely paired with disabling skylight for a decent middle ground between either super bright or dark dimensions when you have skylight disabled.


Hope this helps people o/


Dimension Element Website:

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It is just how the previous…
Mon, 10/28/2024 - 15:12

It is just how the previous person said, but the number is in ticks. I used 6000 because that number fixes sun at the center of the sky.

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"fixed_time": 6000;  noon …
Wed, 02/19/2025 - 10:53

"fixed_time": 6000; 


"fixed_time": -6000;


"fixed_time": 1;


tested and works on 1.21.1

Thank you S33R_OF_PYR3 and ryBal3