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Topic category: Help with MCreator software
I would like to ask how one makes custom ores generate in custom dimentions; or any dimention other then the overworld. Im using the latest version and i dont see any option for that. There used to be a menu that one can use but now its not there. please help!
Also, thank you MCreator staff for making this application easy to understand and use! I really appreaciate it! :D
Within each of your custom ore blocks, go under the 'generation' tab and configure the settings. Make sure to check the 'enable ore feature generation in the world' and to restrict the biome to the biomes you want it to appear in. If you want it to appear in the entire dimension regardless of biome, make a biome tag and include all of your custom biomes within it.
Thanks for your help, but im not sure how to locate or create a tag for my dimention/biome
If you could explain how one does that, it would be very helpful
You are gonna click 'Element tags' on the left hand side, then click add a 'add a new tag'. You are going to want to select the 'biome' tag type, and select 'mod' for your name space. Then you can name your tag anything you wish, just remember that when you add it to your biome restriction you need to remember it (if this is your first tag it will be under the drop down and be the only one available.) After words in your new tag entry add your biomes found in your dimension one by one.