Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
Hello all
Mcreator version: 2024.4
Minecraft version: 1.21.1
I'm trying to figure out how to add another mods tags so that when I break a custom block I've made it will spawn an item from said mod.
I know there is a tag tab in the editor, what I'm trying to figure out is how to write the syntax so that it will spawn the items correctly. I've tried several different things to get it to work to no avail. I got them to spawn by manually adding items to a tag using the "Add External Entry" button but, that seems crazy if i have to add each item individually. For some added context, I have a master procedure that randomly chooses between "Minecraft" tag of items and for now storage drawers. Then it goes into individual procedures like the one I've posted and is supposed to select and spawn a random item. It spawns default minecraft items just fine. I'm assuming because I used the selector and selected the items i want to spawn.
Here are a few screenshots
the new tag your added may replace and clear the already exists tag
You don't need to define the tag again, just reference it in the procedure and it will load random items from the tag of the 3rd party mod
Thanks for the replies. I removed the tag reference and changed the procedure that is supposed to spawn the items to minecraft:item and storagedrawers:item but that's not working. I'm assuming it's because of the syntax but I could be wrong. Here is a short video of my project and all the files that pertain to the issue.
I also just tried minecraft/item and storagedrawers/item
Sorry to bother again, I'm a nooby c# programmer so I'm trying to figure out the syntax for the tag system.
Is "storagedrawers:item" a tag that is actually registered by storagedrawers?
No, this is not valid syntax, : is used for separator between namespace and name
there is no storagedrawers:item tag, but there are tags such as
Keep in mind those items in tag will only load if the mod itself is also present
Thanks again @Klemen, yeah I'm not sure why it doesn't work. I've tried a ton of different ways to get it to work. The only way I got it to work, was adding a storagedrawers tag in the tag tab. Then clicking on "Add External Entry" and then typing all the namespace names of each item, that just seems insane to have to do though, especially since storage drawers isn't even the only mod I would need to do this for.
You don't have to but if you get a few mins, would you mind downloading a mod or storage drawers and see if you have the same issue?
Also the storage drawers mod is 100% loading into the project test client, I see it on the mods list in-game menu and when i type /give Dev storagedrawers it's shows all the commands for the mod.
Also I can only spawn minecraft items if I use the tag I made in the tag tab, i tried using minecraft:item and minecraft:item/logs and neither worked. I had to use minecraft:minecraft_anyitems (tag i made)
Ok so I discovered that I forgot that I had re-made the Storage Drawers procedure but never replaced the call for it in the master procedure. I fixed that, however the issue persists. I can make a custom tag for storage drawers and manually populate it and that works. I tried to copy/paste the values from the files such as drawers.json over to the custom json i named anyitems, but mcreator auto deletes them when I launch the test client. If there was a way to lock the files that might work.
Ok well I figured out how to do what I wanted sort of lol. Here is a link to some screens of how I did it.
Text version: I created a custom tag with the namespace storagedrawers and category as anyitems. I then selected the blue button on the right called "Add tag entry" and then I typed out each category from storage drawers. Example: storagedrawers:drawers, storagedrawers:full_drawers etc. In the procedure that spawns the item I then changed the syntax to storagedrawers:anyitems and that made it spawn random items from the categories. Although this worked and I will use this method, it would be cool if you could just type something like storagedrawers:item and it would select any item from within the item namespace, but I understand if that's not possible. Thanks for the help guys!
Glad to hear this was resolved! :)