Ocean Dimension

Started by SqareEntity on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

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Ocean Dimension

I know, I know, this topic has been done numerous times and is getting pretty old at this point but still.

So I have always wanted to make a survival-based ocean mod similar to games like Raft, but have always run into issues with making the ocean itself. I have read multiple other topics about how to make an ocean, but none of them give a definitive answer and always seem to stop working as soon as the next update comes out.

So, of course, another update, another topic post.

This also applies to superflat style worlds.

My current method is to just set the biome height to sea level and variation to 0 (lowest possible) but I always end up with tones of little hills. I can tell that I am close because the max and min height are still ~10 blocks apart. I have tried basically every combination of base height and height variation that is logically possible, but have always ended up with hills. It creates way to much lag to use a custom liquid that flows upwards and then stops at a certain level, or else that would work.

In other words, I want the ocean to be completely flat. I am aware that it is hardcoded, but because of this there is probably a way to set a biome preset with no parameters at all and end up with a flat land. I would do it myself, but I don't have the time or knowledge of JavaScript to get there.

And, of course, I could always use the base ocean biomes that came in the aquatic update, but that would be lame and I wouldn't be able to pick what mobs spawn or what structures get generated.

Also, as TheReallyFatChicken said, it is possible but would require locking code (which btw SUCKS if you were bored and wanted something to improve(doubt it))

And, as usual, I don't have the biggest brain, so I might have just missed how to do it.

Anything helps,


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set everything on the biome…
Tue, 12/15/2020 - 16:52

set everything on the biome to 0

make the trees air blocks

set the biome default feature to ocean caves

this is as flat as it gets 

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rip thanks :) I was hoping…
Tue, 12/15/2020 - 21:26

rip thanks :)

I was hoping there would be some sort of fanangling with biome parent types or something that would make it just like an ocean.

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Its only been five years …
Mon, 01/06/2025 - 00:44

Its only been five years (lol) -- but I'm excited to play around with directly variable sea level in dimensions!!! Get ready for some crazy awesome underwater mods.