Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions
Hello! I have been making mods with MCreator for some time, for multiple versions of Minecraft, and with many versions of MCreator. I really enjoy MCreator and how intuitive and simple it is. However, I have been encountering an Error continuously recently. I installed MCreator 2024.4 to update (and completely rebuild from the ground up) my mod to 1.20.1, but every single time I instruct MCreator to Run Client it fails. It returns the error of: "A crash outside the JVM in native code was detected. This sometimes happens with Java. This error was not caused by your mod or your code. You may be able to fix this by running this task again."
Which would be okay, except I have run this task 10 times, completely uninstalled and reinstalled MCreator, and run this task 10 more times. It always encounters this error. I do not know what to do. I would really like to figure out how to fix this, as if I cannot, I will be completely unable to update my mod again. I have tried all the versions of MCreator for 1.20 and they all also have this error. I do not know what to do. Please help.
This is usually caused by the GPU drivers not being updated
I will look up how to do that and then report back when I have done that
I have updated my GPU Driver. I still get this error. The console says the following:
> Task :runClient FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':runClient'.
> Process 'command 'C:\Users\sirpu\.mcreator\gradle\jdks\eclipse_adoptium-17-amd64-windows\jdk-17.0.13+11\bin\java.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.
> Get more help at
10 actionable tasks: 3 executed, 7 up-to-date
Task completed in 5 seconds
I'm going to be perfectly 100% honest, I have no idea what any of this means. I know virtually nothing about how computers work or how code works. I have no idea what to do. I deleted the old workspace for my 1.14 version of my mod because I thought maybe it had something to do with the error the first few times it popped up, so I fully cannot continue working on my mod if I cannot get MCreator to work. I really just want it to work. What else can I do?
This looks like an error with Gradle. You should make sure that you have an up to date version of gradle and its dependencies. This could also be an issue of gradle and java not playing nice together. Have you updated java recently?
I was unaware that I needed to update Gradle and/or Java. I will look into updating them.
This did not fix the issue
In this case, something is preventing MCreator/Gradle from writing those files on your computer. I can't tell for sure what it is, but something is doing that
Is there any way to figure out what is preventing that and stop it from preventing that?
I unfortunately can't know specifics of each PC.
You may have to use another PC if you don't figure it out
I've tried everything I can think of, there are no available updates for Java, I've uninstalled and reinstalled MCreator multiple more times, I've uninstalled my antivirus, I cannot figure out at all how to fix this. I cannot use another PC, I do not have access to another PC, nor do I have access to money to obtain another PC, I only just recently got this new laptop in the first place. I'm really not sure what to do at this point. This breaks my heart. I keep having dreams where I get it to work again, but when I wake up and check to see if it works, it still doesn't. I don't want to give up, but I'm not sure there is any other option at this point...