Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator
I understand some of these may not be possible, so I checked which of these could be seen in vanilla.
Living Entity:
Riding conditions (Pigs and striders do not let you ride them unless you put a saddle on them)
Movement control parameters (Horses do not let you control their movement unless they are wearing a saddle)
Flying Entity Condition (could be useful to make mobs that have both a landing and flying phase)
Climbing Entity with condition (Spiders can climb)
Multiple sounds for a category (Wolves have both passive and agressive idle sounds)
Sounds for when an entity attacks (Phantoms have a bite sound when they attack)
AI phases (Could be useful, wolves are somewhat similar to this, I don't know if this one is possible)
Inventory Open Requirements (Horses do not let you open their inventory unless tamed)
Different Taming foods from breeding, similar to how wolves are tamed with bones, but bred with meat.
Damage immunities revamp (changed to be similar to how multiple creative tabs works now, except you can select which specific damage types)
When entity hurts another one trigger (Could be useful to make mobs that deal poison to mobs they attack, like how cave spiders work)
Multiple Tool Types being used in one (Aside from multitool, which does the same thing, but give it some more builder control ie. just a pickaxe axe combination, or possibly a Pickaxe-Sword combination (Would be very useful for hammers) Could potentially be done by making a durability drain multiplier for attacks or blocks mined. Shield disable (which would be useful for making blugeoning weapons) and sweep attack (which only makes sense for making bladed weapons)
Item having a disable shields and conditions for it.
Putting tool items into items (This would make it easier to make a sword that has a ranged attack or posibly a sword that could have a sword beam based on a certain item in its inventory.)
Item procedures for when an item is right clicked on an entity
Custom Armor Trims and or pottery sherds (although this is available with plugins, this would be a good feature in the base mod maker)
Updating biomes structure generation to put in structures based on a list similar to multiple creative tabs or repair items for tools (also including the more modern structures like ancient cities, trail ruins, and trial chambers would be good too.
One of the mod elements, which I don't think could see any changes that would be impactful, along with GUI and overlay
when entity is in fluid procedure, similar to how lava burns you when you are in it.
Change open bound GUI to have a condition logic parameter
Also COndition s for being able to enter GUIs,
As I have recently run into a need for at least a solid half of these suggestions, I am going to second this! Especially the sound and saddles one-- but we need horse support in general.
Adding to the sounds category, we need a idle/walking "flying" sound option. Currently riding a custom entity and then becoming airborne ends the riding sound conditions... Also some code blocks to dictate how long the sounds play for and/or if they loop, because lawd, do I have a mighty need right now... A week and counting is entirely too long to make one simple airship play a sound when it moves in the air!