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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I have a mob that I want to change into a different Mob when I give it an item! Kind of like how Villagers turn into witches if struck by lightening, but instead of lightning it's by giving it an item! I want them to have a completely different look+animations and POSSIBLY behavior as well. Is this possible in Mcreator?
When you use the item on the mob, despawn the original mob and spawn in the new one. If you want the change to be less jarring, store the original mobs rotation, head position, etc then apply it to the new mob. Also make sure you carry over any NBT data such as name tags, whether it's on fire and such.
I'm having trouble with the code here... BUT I am so incredibly happy that its a possibility! This is very important to the mod! Could I get some help? i feel like I'm doing things wrong
I'm not entirely sure what's the problem here.
I will say however that the second part of your AND statement is just checking that cake is a food, which it isn't, it's a block.
well, it simply makes it so ANY right click would turn my entity into another entity! I want it so they turn into an entity when given a specific item.
Ok, you need to check what item is in the players hand then
Just wanted to update and say that I figured it out!! Thank you so much for the help!