Make the tree in MC, then use a tool like MC edit and then save the Schematic, then load it in to MCreator, but I not sure how you get it to grow/place your tree after x amout of ticks.
You can download the file from "here". You could import the files or add to the Template Library from Preferences >>> Procedure Templates. All of them has comments bound, you can check those and good luck.
Make the tree in MC, then use a tool like MC edit and then save the Schematic, then load it in to MCreator, but I not sure how you get it to grow/place your tree after x amout of ticks.
tick timer for the plant to spawn a schematic, and add an "if right clicked" and have "item in hand=bonemeal" to spawn the schematic
Wheres the "Item in hand" block
It’s in the entity area. Item in main hand
If you want I made a sapling without using schematics, it is fully functional I can send you the .ptpl files if you want.
can u send me it please?
You can download the file from "here". You could import the files or add to the Template Library from Preferences >>> Procedure Templates. All of them has comments bound, you can check those and good luck.
It also has growing and bone mealing procedures in case you want to use them. By the way the link is broken. You can download all of them from "here".
this is what I use for my chert tree.. the four random blocks are the fruit..
That is the most complex method I have ever seen. And I can barely make structures generate slightly normally.