You can make two entities. 1st is a wild var, 2nd is a tamed var. Then you make a trigger for wild variant of entity "When R-Clicked on Mob" , there make "Teleport (i, j - 256, k)" and "Spawn Entity (i, j + 2, k , ID of the 2nd var)" events with condition "itemInPlayersHand[] == ID of taming item like bone or fish".
Sorry, but I dont have other ideas.
You can make two entities. 1st is a wild var, 2nd is a tamed var. Then you make a trigger for wild variant of entity "When R-Clicked on Mob" , there make "Teleport (i, j - 256, k)" and "Spawn Entity (i, j + 2, k , ID of the 2nd var)" events with condition "itemInPlayersHand[] == ID of taming item like bone or fish".
@#1 im so sad but is ok