"Is day in the provided world" is broken

Published by Baas299 on
Issue description

I tried to make a mob die only if it was at night. To do this I added a procedure which would run on mob tick update. This procedure has a if statement which checks if it is day and then run the code to set health of entity to 0. However, when I do this the exact opposite happens. The code will be run when it is night and will only kill the mob when it is night instead of day.

Issue comments

MCreator directly calls this method to check if it is day:

* Checks whether its daytime by seeing if the light subtracted from the skylight is less than 4
public boolean isDaytime()

So if this is happening, this is a Minecraft or Minecraft Forge bug. I suggest you to use a negation block (not) to reverse the effect until this gets fixed.