Entity NBT tags works strangely with players.

Published by aidanete on
Works as designed
Issue description

I don't know if this is a bug or it's a work as intended. In the second case, will be good to add player specific variables.

I'm trying actually to do a magic wand and a rune charger. You will need to enter runes on the rune charger to make your magic wand do something special. I used entity NBT Tags to set the player which rune has equipped. The NBT tag seems to be saved but also not. Seems to all the rune chargers placed and I place keeps the variable, but my debug cmd doesn't get the NBT tag correctly and rest of blocks can't get that NBT tag also, so I'm confused.

I want player specific variables or fixing this bug.

Thank you :D

Issue comments

You need to set the NBT variable on the server side. Use World data block Is server side to check if the even is on the server side.

Wrap your set nbt tag procedure with if block and the condition should be Is server side procedure block.